Date: 2025-03-09 20:01 | Last update:

Slack Space

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What is the point of multi-channel sound?

Ok maybe 3D sound effects, and bombardment of sound around you. But when playing games, the 4 speaker system I have. . . sucks compared to a 2 speaker setup. I tried using some old mono RCA jack speakers from an old stereo, it has lots of wattage, but the sound was just better than my 4 speaker setup.
8 3119
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

What it Really Means...

Probably sene before but for those that have not * WWW = World Wide Wait * ISDN = It Still Does Nothing * SCSI = System Can't See It * DOS = Defective Operating System * IBM = I Blame Microsoft * PENTIUM = Produces Erroneous Numbers Through Incorrect Understanding Of Mathematics * BASIC = Bill's Attempt to Sieze In ...
1 891
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

Tips on orgainizing interior of case

I have a case with a window and it doesn't look quite as neat inside as I would like it to. Anyone have any tips on making the PSU cables neater? I have twisted them and applied plastic ties on them but it still doesn't look as neat as I would like.
7 1115
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Help from spanish speaking folks!

I've been listening to a cd by 'Las Burbujitas Imeccables' (do not try to look them up in Amazon, these people are probably known only in Greece - only by chance though ) So, I was wondering what does 'burbujitas' mean? 'impeccables' should be 'impeccable', right? any ideas??? thanks for any time you take off work ...
9 1216
avatar Last reply by tsonta101,

Sept 11th Anniversary

PLease remember those families of all the victims, and especially all the familes of soliders from the many nations that are fighting everyday to rid the world of the likes of Osama and those like him.
2 1019
avatar Last reply by sapiens74,

Need new head Phones - was that site?

Hey all i am going to buy some new head phones - any suggestions ? links? sites? Now thing is - i had a link to this one site was GREAT - it had reviews of all the latest and greatest had links to buy them right there ! everything! - this site was great but i dont know the link!! know of any like that?
8 1167
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

12x cdrom drives and RW

Me and my brother recently put together a Pentium 166mmx together with so leftover hardrives and stuff. I would like to try out some old games that I zipped up a long time ago on that computer but these old games are on CDRWs and wont work in that drive.
2 848
avatar Last reply by Newumbrella,

Intel Centrino vs other mobile?

Hey all well reading up on the centrino cause i am likely going to buy a laptop soon. What is the major advantage of the centrino - to me it seems simply it does not use as much power on battery - but the speeds are much lower, like 1.
10 12707
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,


I guess with all the people here with new cars(myself included), may be it's a good idea post pics of your cars or if you don't have pic, give a discription. .
2 1712
avatar Last reply by Copernicus,

CHeck out my New Ride!

I just bought this last night Was excited to share the news Been wanting one for a long time now Got the adrenaline package with Pioneer Premium Sound, Heated Seats, and the back cover for the bed.
5 1916
avatar Last reply by Copernicus,

18 U.S.C. 1030.

I was wondering how this could apply to the RIAA and their antics as of late. I've never used Kazaa and I'm not into file tradin' for many reasons, but I am interested in the legal aspect of the issue and became curious when I saw this resolution.
0 915
avatar Last reply by Atreyu,

What MiniDV Digital Camera to buy?

I need to buy a new video camera as my wife killed our current one. I want to go digital using MiniDV format. It has to have at least 500 lines of resolution, image stablization, firewire, LCD display and be under $600.
5 2361
avatar Last reply by duhmez,

Reverse DNS

Hey all how the HECk do i get reverse DNS to my IP? our work is sending out a mailing list but some providers are rejecting it because it can not find a reverse DNS look up for our IP address. HELP!.
6 5649
avatar Last reply by clutch,

Gigabyte Hubs / Routers....?

Hey all well, i got sick of the wiring done in our house / office - the guys who did did a half arese job so i decided to redo it all, wioth CAT 6 cable - for possible future upgrades. Well. things are flying now that i have redone the network in CAT6 on the major conenctions between hubs and from a few comps - i d ...
2 3922
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Worst FPS/Action Gaming Moments

After posting my best fps/action gaming moments, I decided to put an opposite post looking at some of the bad moments. 1. Playing Daikatana. 2. Listening to Lo Wang talk about his thingy in Shadow Warrior.
10 1874
avatar Last reply by pr-man,

Question about selling Office XP

I have a Pro version of Office XP and Frontpage, that I want to sell. I have only installed it on my desktop Am I allowed to sell it? IF so how does the buyer register it?.
4 2231
avatar Last reply by sapiens74,

Online merchants

Just a heads up - do not order from They have no idea where my speakers are and their customer service is about equal in quality to that of Verizon's (worst possible). They are the epitome of idiocy and I will find as many places as possible to curse their name.
79 10843
avatar Last reply by tsonta101,