Date: 2025-03-10 02:13 | Last update:

Slack Space

A chit chat forum where you can hang out with other users

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Free Phone Book's

Some are quite big. Mine was 80mb. May/may not be that usefull if you have online access. . . but if your going someplace with no net access it can be pretty handy. Useful link #999999 brought you by DosFreak!.
2 1474
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

64Bit Time!!!

What are some of your feelings on AMD's new 64Bit Line up, and their soon to be release 64bit Desktop lineup. My Op. is the AMD has made a nice price margin for 64bit solutions and they also offer backward 32bit compatibility.
11 1646
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

Good or bad computer deal

I plan to, or more like my parents, are getting a computer. They just want to get one for about a year and replace and don't ask me why. Anyways, they found one they like that they think is not too expensive.
8 1142
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

Email Client / software that can................

Hey all! does anyone know of an email client / system that will allow multiple people to access one email account and. . . Basically we have 3 computers that we want to handle support emails - we want all 3 people to be able to check the one address say support@support.
5 1175
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

[warning] New Virus Out [/warning]

Hey all a new one out: Visit Windows update for patch: Direct Windows XP Patch File (on my http) Products Affected by This Update The following products require up: · Microsoft Windows NT® 4.
10 1627
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

How can i burn cds that look like retail cds?

How can i burn cds that look like retail cds? So how can it be done, our company will be releasing our software on cd and i would like to be able to do it in house, i was curious as to what is need to make the cds that are burned look like retail cds - as in all silver on the bottom so u can no really see what was ...
10 1730
avatar Last reply by Copernicus,

Converting a word document to BMP

hey all. . . how can i convert a word docmunet to a high resolution BMP file ?? the print screen option is not good enough for my purpose. Thank !!.
9 3194
avatar Last reply by Vulcan,

Awesome RPG (Online based)

Thought some of you may like this game, addicting, it's building up nicely, people making clans and everything is coming along nicely. Best of all, it's currently being built, so new things are coming along each week.
4 2231
avatar Last reply by Toby,

Poll: Operating Systems

Im thinking about operating systems and they all have thier special features for differen't people. Tell me which is your favourite.
18 2077
avatar Last reply by el_vago32,

creating GIF files

hey. . . i wanna take a few pictures and combine them into a one gif file. . . can i do that ??.
11 3857
avatar Last reply by ViolentGreen,

Is your son becoming a hacker?

Quote: 6. Does your son use Quake? Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms.
15 3967
avatar Last reply by Alien,

New FREE samples package(wav)(voices) hi quality !

Because a part of you don't use Reason or preffer to use wav version of samples here : ( point 23 ) you can download the samples package version of DoruMALAIA-Voices02(natural02) Hi Quality (27,2 MB uncompressed).
0 2911
avatar Last reply by DORUMALAIA,

Stop Excel from making numbers an equation?

Hey all! was curious i hae a simple excel spread sheet - how ever one colum contains 23 digit numbers - but everytime i type them in - excel goes and turn the number into some equation. . . . i do not want this, i simply want the cell to have he numebr.
8 25114
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

Feral - Forum where almost anything goes (no racism).

Feral is a local rock band in Phoenix, AZ. They have put up a great forum, similar to this one,. The daily rant allows you to go on about whatever the heck is bothering you. You are allowed to swear, make xual comments etc.
0 1007
avatar Last reply by CyberGenX,

The "Unsinkable Titanic" of servers

This is pretty interesting. It dosen't provide many details (being from yahoo and all. ) I am sure there are more details out there though. It claims to be a server that cannot be hacked. Apparently they had a contest to see who could hack it and nobody was able to.
4 1660
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

WinDVD HELP!!!!!

Hi! I've just recently set up my TV to play DVD's through my computer. The picture is great and everything works fine except for one thing. The audio comes through with an echo. It's not clear and is quite annoying.
4 2660
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,