Date: 2025-03-10 10:49 | Last update:

Slack Space

A chit chat forum where you can hang out with other users

Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316 Everything Apple 12


64Bit Time!!!

What are some of your feelings on AMD's new 64Bit Line up, and their soon to be release 64bit Desktop lineup. My Op. is the AMD has made a nice price margin for 64bit solutions and they also offer backward 32bit compatibility.
1 1073
avatar Last reply by CyberGenX,

Which forums are there?

If I check the memberlist I see guys and gals with many posts 8) , so obviously there are other forums for which I registered, which ones? Cya lX
2 2171
avatar Last reply by Corvus,

Sound Package

This is really great, especially for all of us who share a computer with a female. John Madden Sounds! I heard this guy on Bob and Tom a few days ago. If you don't want to install them, at least download the individual sounds.
0 895
avatar Last reply by ViolentGreen,

What is the MS newgroup addy(s)?

Hey all had a bunch of news groups - such as windows. server. setup windows. server. general windowsxp. hardware etc etc but i can not recall t he main news server all these groups were on, i formated and forgot to save my outlook which had my news groups.
2 1440
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

APK System Tools for Windows ® ²°°² + + SR-4 06/20/2003

Quote:This is it, I have answered most users requests on what to add or improve on it & I am DONE @ last I think programming it's applications since 1996 up to today in 2003. . . it's been fun, but I am now retiring I think from the shareware/freeware arena! Man, what a run you have had.
5 3825
avatar Last reply by AndyFair,

The Hulk

Just saw The Hulk! It kicked some serious a$$! Anyone else see it yet?
8 1401
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

Building a new pc

Ok, well I am biting the bullet and building a new PC. . . . I blame APK for posting that DOOM3 movie clip and being the final straw in my decision JK I used to be up on the pc hardware, but as of recently, I have lost touch with that aspect of the business.
14 3470
avatar Last reply by DS3Circuit,

New FREE samples package(wav)(voices)!

Because a part of you don't use Reason or preffer to use wav version of samples here : ( point 22 ) you can download the samples package version of DoruMALAIA-Voices01(natural01) (24,2 MB uncompressed).
0 2549
avatar Last reply by DORUMALAIA,

WAV to MIDI conversion (10 programs) :

Solo Explorer Akoff Music Composer 2. 0 KNZ Audio Midifier 1. 0 (Plug-Ins VST) Amazing Midi 1. 60 Audio To Midi Innovative Music Systems IntelliScore v5. 1 Widi Recognition System 2.
0 5155
avatar Last reply by DORUMALAIA,

Windows Programming

I know next to nothing about windows programming. That is something that they don't teach much about where I attend. What exactly does a dll file do? This is what I'd like to do. I want to write a very small application (preferably in c/c++) that integrates into the right-click menu.
3 2259
avatar Last reply by ViolentGreen,


Just saw The Hulk, It also kicked some serious butt!! Going to see X2 this week. .
4 1119
avatar Last reply by felix,

UT 2003 feels like Quake 3.....I think NOT!

Over at Bjorn3d. com they think UT 2003 was a slight disappointment, which I agree, and they say this because the game feels like Quake 3. Quake 3 is better than UT and UT 2003 because it requires SKILL.
14 1757
avatar Last reply by clutch,

Star Wars Youngster

Its been awhile since I have posted - I've been busy. . . but for those of you who havent seen possibly the funniest thing on the web, here you go. . . Get both clips, first is untouched, second. . .
3 1693
avatar Last reply by CrazyKillerMan,

Phillip: Congratulations on your new product!

I really hope that does well, I know it's the fruits of your labor, and I really like how NT Compatible and Linux Compatible have turned out. Give yourself a pat on the back; You deserve it. .
2 1470
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Virus - Email from Microsoft Internet Technical Assistance

Virus - Email from Microsoft Internet Technical Assistance Received this today for the first time. Outlook blocked the exe automatically, but for those who do get an exe - do not run it!! - can u say virus! - back door! i love this part Please do not reply to this message.
6 3252
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

Advice on a Switch / Hub?? - need to buy one

Hey all i am in the market for a Switch it needs to be @ least 10 port - 100base switch. we currently have a hub from a router - but the router is a router/hub, no switch and frankly the amount of times the red traffic light it on is almost constatnly, so i want to invest in a switch to take off some traffic as our ...
6 1250
avatar Last reply by sapiens74,