Slack Space

What are some of your feelings on AMD's new 64Bit Line up, and their soon to be release 64bit Desktop lineup. My Op. is the AMD has made a nice price margin for 64bit solutions and they also offer backward 32bit compatibility.

Which forums are there?
If I check the memberlist I see guys and gals with many posts 8) , so obviously there are other forums for which I registered, which ones? Cya lX

Woohoo! LinuxCompatible BABY! NTCompatible better look out!
Ah, that was one of my big worries towards progressing towards *nix. No forum like NTCompatible for the *nix side. PROBLEM SOLVED! YAY! :x ;( x).

Sound Package
This is really great, especially for all of us who share a computer with a female. John Madden Sounds! I heard this guy on Bob and Tom a few days ago. If you don't want to install them, at least download the individual sounds.

What is the MS newgroup addy(s)?
Hey all had a bunch of news groups - such as windows. server. setup windows. server. general windowsxp. hardware etc etc but i can not recall t he main news server all these groups were on, i formated and forgot to save my outlook which had my news groups.

APK System Tools for Windows ® ²°°² + + SR-4 06/20/2003
Quote:This is it, I have answered most users requests on what to add or improve on it & I am DONE @ last I think programming it's applications since 1996 up to today in 2003. . . it's been fun, but I am now retiring I think from the shareware/freeware arena! Man, what a run you have had.

Building a new pc
Ok, well I am biting the bullet and building a new PC. . . . I blame APK for posting that DOOM3 movie clip and being the final straw in my decision JK I used to be up on the pc hardware, but as of recently, I have lost touch with that aspect of the business.

New FREE samples package(wav)(voices)!
Because a part of you don't use Reason or preffer to use wav version of samples here : ( point 22 ) you can download the samples package version of DoruMALAIA-Voices01(natural01) (24,2 MB uncompressed).

WAV to MIDI conversion (10 programs) :
Solo Explorer Akoff Music Composer 2. 0 KNZ Audio Midifier 1. 0 (Plug-Ins VST) Amazing Midi 1. 60 Audio To Midi Innovative Music Systems IntelliScore v5. 1 Widi Recognition System 2.

15 ways to remove the unwanted noises from records :
15 ways to remove the unwanted noises from your records : Advanced Audio Corrector 2. 1 CoolEdit Pro 2. 1 Magix Audio CleaningLab 3. 0 Samplitude Professional 7. 11 Sonic Foundry SoundForge 6.

Windows Programming
I know next to nothing about windows programming. That is something that they don't teach much about where I attend. What exactly does a dll file do? This is what I'd like to do. I want to write a very small application (preferably in c/c++) that integrates into the right-click menu.

Just saw The Hulk, It also kicked some serious butt!! Going to see X2 this week. .

UT 2003 feels like Quake 3.....I think NOT!
Over at Bjorn3d. com they think UT 2003 was a slight disappointment, which I agree, and they say this because the game feels like Quake 3. Quake 3 is better than UT and UT 2003 because it requires SKILL.

Star Wars Youngster
Its been awhile since I have posted - I've been busy. . . but for those of you who havent seen possibly the funniest thing on the web, here you go. . . Get both clips, first is untouched, second. . .

Phillip: Congratulations on your new product!
I really hope that does well, I know it's the fruits of your labor, and I really like how NT Compatible and Linux Compatible have turned out. Give yourself a pat on the back; You deserve it. .

Virus - Email from Microsoft Internet Technical Assistance
Virus - Email from Microsoft Internet Technical Assistance Received this today for the first time. Outlook blocked the exe automatically, but for those who do get an exe - do not run it!! - can u say virus! - back door! i love this part Please do not reply to this message.

Advice on a Switch / Hub?? - need to buy one
Hey all i am in the market for a Switch it needs to be @ least 10 port - 100base switch. we currently have a hub from a router - but the router is a router/hub, no switch and frankly the amount of times the red traffic light it on is almost constatnly, so i want to invest in a switch to take off some traffic as our ...