Slack Space

Im about 3/4 of the way thru college and am starting to get a little nervous. I am off for summer and am wondering what I should study this summer. I am getting the info systems cs degree instead of programming but it is basically the same thing except it does not require the hard math classes.

Blackberry RIMs
This is a warning to all other Blackberry Administrators. Cingular has been migrating their database of users in the Northeast and apparently lost records of who has paid for services and who has not.

For those of you that know me, can you find me in this pic?
The guy with his back to everyone!. . If not him then the teddybear in the front row.

"How I can remove vocals ?" - answers here :
Because many of you ask about this , i try to help you : YoGenVocalRemover1. 07 VogoneVocalEliminationWorkstationv2. 014 AnalogX Vocal Remover (DX) v1. 00 AnalogX Vocal Remover (Winamp) v1.

Times are tuff even for CNET apparently: Check it out!
Screw that. Might I suggest Sourceforge. net or freshmeat. net?.

how can i verify my email add on anyone@microsoft.com
How can i verify my email add as like anyone@microsoft. com if u know so tell me. if you have outlook Experss setting for the use of anyone@MICROSOFT. com i want to go INBOX but i recive this msg first you compleate the verify ur email add.

Migration Mac OS 9.X to OS 10.2
For those of you who have experience in this migration I would love to hear any personal experiences, important links, and horror stories. My employer has placed me at the head of migrating a base of 100 users to 10.

Just Saw Matrix Reloaded *Possible Spoiler*
Gotta say it kicked ass Highlights: Freddy vs Jason Preview Non Stop Action Coolest Stunts I have ever seen. Only bad thing about it was the soundtrack didn't include a Ministry song. Other than that go see it.

1 TerraByte Server - how should i do this?
Hey all, Yes, i need the room!. . lol i am aiming by the end of the year ot have a 1 terrabyte server (dont ask why. . lol) now, since WD has the 250g out - i was simply considering 4 of these in a single computer (leave one out soi cna format witha cdrom drive, then put in the forth) - i don't want raid really, as ...

Winamp and Nero
Hey frist things first. I have a play list created in Winamp. It consists of about 140 songs from my conlection of about 2000+. I was woundering if anyone knows if its even possible that is to some how take all those songs in my list and place then over to Nero so i can burn them with out having to pick them one by ...

X-Men ² : Anyone see this film yet? If so, talk ² me!!!
As a pretty big X-Men fan (the story, comic books, etc. ) from what I hear, it's better than the 1st installment, but I haven't seen it yet. Might do a double-feature this weekend with The Matrix, but we'll see.

52 Sayings you'd like to see on office inspirational posters
1) If you do a good job and work hard, you may get a job with a better company someday. 2) Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. 3) The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts.

Post a pic of your desk
Here's my desk in my cubiffce. See if you can give me a list of interesting stuff you can see that is unusual. .

Digital Cameras and...
Ok, here's a good off topic conversation for this website. . basically, im looking for a converter piece so that i can hook my digital camera up to a spotting scope so i can take some good close up pics.

What video card do you use?
i'm just making this to show a friend, i will delete it in a few minutes. . . we are working on a forum. . . edit: wtf. . . it didnt show the poll earlier,i thought it deleted it. . . so i readded it, now its back and has the old options back! arrghhh.

upgrading opinions needed
well im finally going to upgrade my gforce256 32meg but id like some opinions on what to get. im looking to spend up to $130us as i have a tight budget. card must be able to run most new games (i. e ut2003,splinter cell etc etc) nvidia or ati based doesnt matter.

Cable service speed-testing - informative?
Are on-line cable speed tests reasonably informative? I read an opinion written in 2000 or 2001 that cable speed tests, especially under Internet Explorer, in no way represent even the general level of service being delivered by a cable-service provider.

This is getting rediculous...
So apple released their 30 GB ipod, ok I can conceive that someone possibly has 30 GB of music. Now, creative is releasing a 60GB. Seriuosly, who has 16,000 mp3s. I have probably less then 4,000 half of which are concert recordings.

XPlus - Express plus Email Client - Anyone used or heard of?
Hey all, has anyone used of heard of this email client - if so, thoughts? one of our employee's forwarded me their site asking about it - personalyl i said there are other clients to use like Opera and other likely better ones that have been out for a while and are an alternative to Outlook Express.