Slack Space

I'm looking for a desktop theme making program for Windows 2000. Most of the ones I've found seems to be only for XP or they look really bad. Also do the programs that make these themes save as a. theme then you have to insert it yourself with the theme.

It was 80 here in Honolulu again, so I'm going to go Snorkel. I have found a new hobby.

Hellbender in WinXP Home
When I first installed WinXP home I couldn't run Microsoft Hellbender. Then I found a fix on this website that uses SETWIN95, and it worked like magic, until recently. I suspect Microsoft has done something with a security update that prevents the game from running.

Get data off laptop drive
I've got a laptop that died but the hard drive is still good. It's a Win2000 pro install on a FAT32 formatted drive. The laptop is dead. . . no boot, no power up. . nada. . . zilch. . . boat anchor. I need to get the data off the hard drive and dump it to a desktop drive, or another laptop drive.

This is good for a laff, I've posted it before...
This is hilarious. on this note, you should check the filesharing programs, download an mp3 called internet thugs It's a riot. it's in this theme too. .

ATI Radeon 9800 (R350) - Thoughts and opinions?
I have read some reviews on the card - and to me - it just seems like a GAP / time filler until their release their R400 cards. . . nothing overly impressive, but still a nice looking card. Supposedly the 256mb version will be called the 9900.

Suckness of cloth mouse pads
Quote:I'll be looking at something a bit different today, a cloth mouse pad. Yes, cloth. While I'm literally against cloth pads myself, for obvious reasons Ok, I looked at this review and it's apparently obvious (to everyone but me) that cloth mouse pads suck.

Watched some cartoons today that are OpenGL & COOL!
i loved that show! it ruled - more so just the graphi details. Over all the best animated movie i have sene Final Fantasy!!! that movie was done INCREDIBLY!!!!! so many scense i was like - that is real, that is NOT animated!!.

Snort 1.9.1 win32 is out!
Quote:DESCRIPTION Snort is an open source network intrusion detection system, capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It can perform protocol analysis and content searching/matching in order to detect a variety of attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port ...

Bought a new car today: Opinions?
Jerry Atrik
i kinda like those cars im gonna look at the intrepid this weekend u didnt get red did u?

How did they ever survive!!
I guess this applies to some here According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's or even the early 80's, probably shouldn't have survived. Our baby cribs were covered with bright coloured lead-based paint.

My own special way of saying thank you for all the junk mail
Hello Everyone, I'd like to stop and take this special moment to thank all the junk mail solicitors that have written me about penis enlargements. I have taken the time and money out of my busy schedule to respond to and purchase each of their offers.

Anyone see the Micheal Jackson interview on MTV? Thoughts??
Fox is playing an in-depth special tomorrow (02/20/2003), that's supposed to show what the MTV interview could not show. I'm interested to see the other questions he asked Michael, and to see Michael's reactions.

MCSE .NET Requirements
Looks like its time to open the wallet once again. I am beginning to wish that MS had more hands on tests like the CCIE for cisco. All these paper tests are turning people into paper qualified technicians.

"DareDevil" with Ben Affleck: You plan to go?
No desire whatsoever of seeing this. After he stole J-lo. . . . I hope it BOMBS!.

Multiple Desktops in NT
I've always tried to get myself to use multiple deskops in NT without the pain and frustration of hitting keys and trying to force myself to use it. Well I found this program a couple of days ago: VirtuaWin It displays an icon in your System Tray that tells you which Virtual Desktop that you are currently using.

First off, I'm sorry all those astronauts died. It's a sad thing. However, last week, a helicopter crashed in Afghanistan killing 4 soldiers. Another crash occurred on the 24th, killing another 4 soldiers.