Date: 2025-03-04 11:19 | Last update:


A discussion forum for website feedback

Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316 Everything Apple 12


reducing size of Majorgeeks posts.

Hello all, i visit NT Compatible on daily basis, it's my number 1 tech news service (check to see news that i check always). this thing annoys me, that sometime the news are repeated for some 1 site update, such as bios updates and majorgeek, bios has been fixed by posting all updates in 1 post, majorgeek no, for e ...
1 1599
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

All Fedora, all the time

Linuxcompatible. org announces a new format change: All Fedora - All the time. Instead of being a resource for the entire Linux community; we will now focus solely on Fedora Core. ANY news relating to Fedora Core will be a headline item; no matter how mundane or trivial.
0 2648
avatar Last reply by zilla1126,

'Master' and 'slave' computer labels unacceptable

Quote:LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) Los Angeles officials have asked that manufacturers, suppliers and contractors stop using the terms master and slave on computer equipment, saying such terms are unacceptable and offensive.
12 2290
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

New main page compatibility results.

Recently, I noticed that the new compatibility results on the main page no longer list whether the program was reported as working or not. The only way to tell is to open the details for each item. I used to give this section a quick glance, but no longer can.
1 1107
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Enough with the pop-ups already...

What happened? It was only a couple of stupid pop-up ads before (anybody remember the IT training and stoplight/racecar bit?) but now it is virtually every page. Are they really paying enough to hassle everybody? I would love to be able to block pop-ups, but on my typical work box I can't throw on Firebird or anyth ...
14 2363
avatar Last reply by Alien,

New server - next week

linuxcompatible. org will move next week to a new server Here the specifications of the new machine: Intel Dual Xeon 2GHz with hyperthreading 1GB ECC Ram LSI Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Controller 2x Seagate SCSI harddisks (73GB each) Intel e1000 Gigabit NIC If you use a custom host file, please remove linuxcompatible.
5 3256
avatar Last reply by Starflyer98,

Anybody else having connection issues

So, I've come to rely on this and other forums and sites to help with my everyday workload. In the past two weeks however I've been unable to access ntcompatible. com from work and a trace route gives the results below.
4 1570
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

URL tags not working right

ThC 129
The URL tags that are and work fine but when you try to use the text it doesnt work. . . Oh and dont be a cynic and tell me to take out the dots they are in there so you can see the formatting of the tags.
3 1514
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Error entering the forums

For 2 days now, when I first enter the forums after opening my browser, I get an error saying in line 32, 'awin' is null or not an object. But the forums are working ok. I don't get the error again until I close my browser and reopen it.
1 1416
avatar Last reply by ReadError,

Americas Army

Americas Army is out for linux. get it at download live cd iso 500Mb approx. You can boot the live cd and play and or copy the files to your harddrive. The files are:- /opt/armyops170 The executable is:- /opt/armyops170/System/armyops-bin I have a feeling it is a beta, because I have not seen anything posted by icc ...
2 6037
avatar Last reply by PenguinBiker,

When ever i hit "new topic" - sends me to

Hey when ever i hit new topic for the first time in a section it takes me back to the index. php everytime! then when i hit it again - it actually start the new topic - this has happend in every section i have tried to start a ne topic in.
3 1518
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

Compatibility Database Comment System?

All right this is annoying me. . . and I'm sure that I am not the only one,,,,,. With the constant up of older games and people figuring out how to make them work properly it is very hard to get a solid compatibility database that is correct.
2 1740
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

New Flash Ads

I think there may be a problem with the css code and/or the new flash ads, as whenever one loads in Mozilla Firebird, the remainder of the page fails to display. Is anyone else experiencing this? I had to resort to logging in with IE to post this!! These are the 460x80 or whatever size banner ads displaying at the ...
1 1364
avatar Last reply by nebulus,

New Forum, Needs Users!!!!

I have checked out this fairly new forum over at It is pretty nice. You can have avatars and make suggestions. If you make suggestions they most of the time get fufilled to what you want. Anyway, go check it out and join!!!!.
7 2140
avatar Last reply by embj,

kernel 2.4.21 out now

stable linux kernel 2. 4. 21 is out today friday 13th 2003. It is in fact rc8 release candidate 8.
4 3187
avatar Last reply by blueworm,


Anyone got this to work? it crashes on single player and it wont let me connect to any servers. But other than this it does work on multiplayer. The crash bug has been reported allready bugzilla. icculus.
0 2546
avatar Last reply by blueworm,

Gator - NT Compatible - What Are You Thinking?!!?

Jedi Master
;( ;( Ever time I visit NT Compatible, I get a nice popup asking if I want to install Gator. Why are you promoting spyware? I used to think highly of NT Compatible, but if this continues, I will have to remove your website.
9 3439
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,