
..even tho it works perfectly. I see this happening ALOT, for submissions for Windows NT4.0, 2000,XP....but even tho they are listed as not working I NEVER see a post by the person who submitted it to the database in the forum. Who are these mysterious people? Do they just: 1. Go to store. 2. Buy game/software/hard ...

Conflict Desert Storm Works on XP???
On the Latest Results page you have listed as working for XP, any idea where the person got a copy because the game ins't out till September, and the Demo is next month on the UK Offical XBOX Magazine (no idea when for PC) it also says May require 1.

OMG. Maximum PC
August 2002 Page 50 Ask The Doctor Quote:Getting Rid of That Pesky Floppy DriveI just recently built my newest system and decided I didn't need a floppy drive. I assembled the machine, went into the bios, disabled everything that even mentions floppy, loaded WIN98SE, and bang.

OS Supported in Database
Add OS's that the App/Hardware/Game supports? Don't know if this should be user submitted. Too easy to make a mistake. . . but would definetly make things easier. .

*nix forum?
Since many of us have been using *nix machines on our corporate networks and at home. Also with this increasing usage of *nix in businesses's and at home (OSX), I think this forum is needed. .

Matrox Graphics elected as voting member of OpenGL Architect
OMG! Matrox may finally have decent OGL! They've barely been able to keep themselves at an ATI level as far as OGL is concerned. Go Matrox!.

"new" Diskeeper build 7.403.2 ?
What is this new build of Diskeeper 7. 403. 2 ? Is this a demo build? The latest build I have is 7. 407, for reg fully installed product. .

(0==== McAfee Manufactures Virus Threat ====0)
Good read, and makes sense, Anti-V makers, making up new viruses to sell their products:

Add ratings to Database?
For Hardware/Games add ratings from different magazines? I say magazines instead of internet sites because they have been around the longest and have a rep. Computer Gaming World/PC Gamer/Maximum PC/Computer Games.

ASPI fix works great
Just changed from SCSI to IDE, and had uninstalled my SCSI controller and then my cd-rippers stopped working. (They would only recognize my Daemon Tool virtual cd-drive) Tried to install ASPI 4. 71 but no cigar, but then I find this and it works like a charm.

Thread updates...
Hi Guys, There seems to be a little problem, i do not seem to be getting all the updates or teher is a new reply e-mails from the forum. Of course the ones that i have subscribed to. Is teher a problem on the mail server or is it something else.

LucasArts is trying to kill ScummVM
If they updated their frickin' code it wouldn't be necessary for us to emulate now would it? ;( There's absolutely no reason to BUY games that do not work on today's computers. No reason at all. If companies actually updated their code they might actually MAKE money because gamers would actually be grateful.

Unable to submit result - "not logged in"
Hello, I'm having difficulty submitting a result to the compatibility list. When I click Submit Result on the front page, I enter my username + passward and I'm told Thanks for logging in. But then i'm sent to the front page where it says You are not logged in.

ATI has released several RADEON updates
ATI has released new drivers and software for RADEONs. These include: Catalyst 02. 1 display drivers Hydravision 3. 10. 1010 Capture Driver 6. 13. 10. 6125 ATI Multimedia Center 7. 7 upgrade I won't have a chance to test them until this evening.

AX4B-533Tube looks so cool
I WANT ONE!!!!!!! No really, I would actually prefer a stand alone daughter card. But I would love to have valve sound for my computer. One question: If they wanted to make 5. 1 channel valve would they need to use one valve circuit for each of the six channels?.

looking for download link for win2k usb 2.0 drivers
i saw that usbman. reports that usb 2. 0 drivers are now available for windows 2000 ( ). . . . it says get the drivers from i've searched that site and can't find the page / drivers. i can't do the start>windows update feature because i don't have my windows 2000 pc connected to the net.

compatibility page
Just wanted to say the new compatibility pages are way cool! Keep up the good work

The Matrox Parhelia
It looks like a beast on paper, I want to see some benchmarks of this puppy I guess it will all boil down to well written drivers (as usual), and support for Opensource development. Matrox can start things they probably didn't think of (remember the killer app/hardware factor in the Linux revival?).