Date: 2025-03-05 19:01 | Last update:


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ATA/100 vs ATA/133

We all know this (well most of us ) but here it is in writing: ATA133 should theoretically be 33% faster than ATA100, but my results basically didn't show much of an improvement at all. .
16 8543
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

Don't download XBOX Emulators!

Malicious code masquerades as Xbox emulator Internet users caught up in the hype of the recent Xbox launch may be falling for a web hoax that installs a Trojan horse on their machine. .
5 5076
avatar Last reply by JP-,

Intel/ATI Drivers? What's this?

It's written in the news that new Intel/ATI Drivers are available. But what the heck are Intel/ATI drivers? I never heard of this before. . . .
1 3856
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Driver Update for Windows2000/XP

This isn't an update. These are the same drivers from the last release. - Harvey Fong of Creative confirms: They apparently read the date wrong from the Creative Labs Europe Web site. The date if 05/02/02 is in mm/dd/yy format, as commonly used in most of Europe and the rest of the world outside of North America.
2 46619
avatar Last reply by SHS,

New server

Welcome to the new server How is the performance? Any problems?
4 1769
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

OSX beta still going strong

Quote:Apple declined to specify a date or time period when faster browsers or OS X performance enhancements would be available, but Grewal speculated it could take more than a few months. I think this time next year or in 18 months, Apple will have time to focus on not just porting (i.
0 1324
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

Intel Application Accelerator

Well, i tried it. On reboot I was greeted with 4-bit colour at 800x600 8) and a Geforce4 that 'wasn't working properly' Thank the Lord for XP's System Restore, made sure to do a checkpoint before installing it.
6 3425
avatar Last reply by Crunchmeister,

The "Being Seen" light tape

After looking at the pic of the fan with the light tape in it, I reckone this stuff will become reallt popular with movie studios for cool effects. .
5 1641
avatar Last reply by JP-,

Uh-oh. Bill in consideration would ban home-built PC's.

Brian Frank
If you haven't seen this thread over at , you might want to. Apparently, a senator is sponsering a bill that would, among other things, outlaw home-built PC's. 8) I seriously hope this is a joke, but read for yourselves and see.
8 2107
avatar Last reply by thymios,

Tom's Hardware is becoming more biased...

According to the newest article, even with all the spiffy little benchmarks run and the Intel proc (in both RDRAM and DDR) taking the lead on many of them, their is that AMD is still better. Now, how is that so? I have never been a fan of benchmarks, and certainly not of Tom's Hardware for the last couple of years, ...
36 4890
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,

DOS Games under Windows XP

;( The least they could do is mention: SOUND IN NTVDM BOXES VDMSound/SFX2000 Microsoft's pathetic implementation of sound in NTVDM Boxes. The seem to assume that the sound card in your system matters to the DOS box in XP.
0 2433
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

Umax Vistascan 3.76 for Windows XP

Anyone having a UMAX scanner should note out that the version cited here is for FireWire users. That means those majority of us who own a USB scanner (ie. Astra 2100U) should NOT download this. Instead, simply go over to and download the right drivers from there.
1 7522
avatar Last reply by SHS,

broken html tag

On the main page, Advanced StartUp Manager 1. 4 has a double-link that puts HTML tag into the download link and hides the readmore button. delete me when fixed!.
1 865
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

more banners???

just thought i would say that i dont like the new banner on the left of the page. Ultrix.
1 985
avatar Last reply by JP-,

Refresh rate fix link not working.

I have had no luck downloading the latest version of the nVidia Refresh Rate Fix all day. Does anybody know anywhere else to get it. .
1 943
avatar Last reply by dodgeviperrt10,

Mozilla 0.9.8 under Windows XP

Just a few words to say what I think about Moz 0. 9. 8. It works great, and is as fast as IE 6. 0. From now, I think I will use Mozilla as my default browser ! 🙂 Try it, you will love it !.
1 2447
avatar Last reply by Xiven,

AOL shuts out users in battle over IM

Funny, wasn't part of the agreement that allowed AOL to purchase Time/Warner that they would open up their IM? Why aren't the states running in threatening to break up AOL, now?
5 1369
avatar Last reply by Brian Frank,


Is it possible to sort the lists? They don't seem to be listed alphabetically. Also it would be nice to be able to filter the lists by OS. Just a thought. Thanks.
2 867
avatar Last reply by Philipp,