
The 97th issue of ZZZ online is out. Read in the latest issue of ZZZ online about: - sign-to-text translator - personal location system - shoes that roll - shocking joystick.

ECS K7S5A Bios
OC Workbench has posted a new bios for the ECS K7S5A motherboard. LAN without OC nonlan without OC Lan with OC nonLan with OC.

RAM Idle 4.5.1
A new version of RAM Idle is out. RAM Idle will increase your performance by making more physical memory available for your system. This program will automatically free up a set amount of RAM and defragment it when a minimum of free RAM is reached.

Epox 8KHA Review
Another review at TweakTown. This time on the Epox 8KHA motherboard. While DDR is still in it´s infancy, Epox has been turning out some very fine boards using it. Take a trip with TweakTown as they take you on a tour of one of their latest offerings; namely the Epox 8KHA.

ECS K7S5A Motherboard Review
TweakTown has posted a review on the ECS K7S5A motherboard which uses the SiS 735 chipset. The SiS 735 chipset was blowing some minds not too long ago, so we at TweakTown wanted to see what all the excitment was about.

ABIT Siluro GF3 VIO Review
Digit-Life has posted a review on the ABIT Siluro GF3 VIO video card. Today we will examine not only the ABIT Siluro GF3 VIO video card but also one more aspect of operation of this GPU, i. e. what can a user get from a new version of the NVIDIA driver, namely Detonator XP.

Creative PC-CAM 300 Webcam Review
T-Break has posted a review on Creative´s new PC-CAM 300 webcam The shape of the camera seems a little weird but when you hold it, the grip is amazing. There is a small LCD screen at the back side of the unit that shows how many more pictures can the unit grab.

Shuttle AV40r Review
Accelenation. com has posted a review on the Shuttle AV40r motherboard. The P4X266 chipset has certainly been making waves lately. As a matter of fact, it has been at the forefront of computer hardware news for the last few weeks.

Thermal Compound - Silver or ICE?
Maximum Hardware has posted a shoot-out between the top silver compound Arctic Silver, the new Nanotherm, OEM silver compound and some silicon paste. So I´m thinking, you´ve been looking over many sites, you´ve got hold of that lovely new copper cooler (or you may have just settled for your old one) and you´re look ...

eVGA e-GeForce3 Review
nV News has posted a review on the eVGA e-GeForce3 video card. With the performance of every GeForce3 available varying only slightly between manufacturers, each must stride to set themselves apart from the rest of the pack.

Abit Roadmap
Adrian´s Rojak Pot has posted the latest news about ABIT´s motherboard roadmaps plus some specifications of the eight upcoming motherboards By the first quarter of the year 2002, you can expect ABIT to release eight different motherboards - five for the Intel platform and three for the AMD platform.

WahooViper Case Review
HardwareExtreme. com has posted a review on Wahoo Computer´s Modded Lian-Li PC60 Aluminum Case, the WahooViper. The customized options I selected include a window mod in the side panel, a 10-inch green neon light tube inside (complete with a power switch on the top of the case, which is a very nice touch), a top bl ...

ECTS2001 Report
Accelenation. com has posted a ECTS2001 coverage NVIDIA was also talking about their nFORCE mobo chipset to whoever would listen and were also revealing their next range of graphics products under NDA.

Optimize L2 cache in Windows NT
Thanks CestLaVie. Inside Project has posted a small guide Optimize L2 cache in Windows NT By default, Windows NT is optimized for 256K L2 cache. Because many of the newer processors have L2 caches larger than 256K.

Creative GeForce 3 Video Capture Driver
Creative Labs has posted a NT 4. 0 video capture driver for their GeForce 3 based video cards. In order to use the video capture capabilities of your Creative GeForce3 you will require a video editing application such as Intervideo´s WinDVR.

Savage/MX/IX WinXP Drivers
Savage News report that new Savage/MX/IX drivers for Windows XP are out. Logo´d: Savage/MX/IX HB WinXP v7. 90. 13 Logo´d: Savage/MX_JC WinXP v7. 90. 13.

Super Power Zephyr Mid-Tower Case
GideonTech. com has posted a review on the Super Power Zephyr Mid-Tower Case. The back of the case is a little different than what most tweakers and case modders may be accustom to. There is a piece of plastic covering most of the back area.

SQL Server Postpone User Conference Set for Sept. 19
REDMOND, Wash. Sept. 13, 2001 - Microsoft Corp. and the organizers of PASS 2001 North America are deeply saddened by the horrific events that took place on Sept. 11, 2001. It is a tragedy that certainly challenges everyone´s ability to conduct their daily lives for the next few weeks and will forever affect the way ...

GeForce FAQ 19.0
Christopher Hill has updated his GeForce FAQ to 19. 0 What´s new in this version: Updated all Windows driver questions with 14. xx, 21. 81 and various other pre-11. 00 links. Added a note to ´I cannot set my refresh rate above 75hz under Windows 2000.

Socket A Cooler Round Up
I am Not a Geek dot com has posted a Socket A cooler round up Normally as a lot of you know I like to do my cooler reviews one at a time and give a more detailed review of them. However recently I have been very sick, and unable to work for the past month.