
HardOCP has posted a review on the Hercules GeForce3 video card. Thanks Brian. Hercules has been a well known name in the PC video card market for the last 19 years. They certainly have a lot of experience and a name that carries on.

Malformed Request to RPC Endpoint Mapper can Cause RPC ....
.... Service to Fail The RPC endpoint mapper allows RPC clients to determine the port number currently assigned to a particular RPC service. The Windows NT 4.0 endpoint mapper contains a flaw that causes it to fail upon receipt of a request that contains a particular type of malformed data. Because the endpoint map ...

Intel Interview
UKGamer. net has posted a interview with Intel which was held at ECTS. We talk about various aspects of Intel´s processor line-up, including the Tualatin, Pentium 4 and Itanium processors. Other technologies looked at are USB 2.

i845 Boards Shootout
OC Workbench has posted a i845 boards shootout We probably already know that Pentium III is at it´s of the product life cycle. Pentium 4 is probably the solution that most Intel users will go for as it´s a cheaper alternative to the i850+RAMBUS solution as RAMBUS is still an expensive solution.

nVidia Detonator 21.81 Drivers
nVidia has released new 21. 81 detonator drivers. Thanks Nail, FrogMaster, Stefan & Lemmi. .

Windows Product Activation Versus Software Registration
Though Microsoft´s Windows Product Activation already has appeared in other products, the anti-piracy scheme has come under a spotlight with the impending release of Windows XP. .

ProSavage Driver v11.90.11 for WinXP
Saw over that VIA Tech has posted new ProSavage drivers for Windows XP

Most XP upgrade coupons dont come free
In the past, most PC makers offered free upgrades to a new operating system in the months leading up to the launch of an OS. But don´t expect one for Windows XP. Instead, owners of most recently purchased PCs will need to pay $15 to $30 for a coupon to get a copy of XP once Microsoft´s operating system is released Oct.

Microsoft Announces Windows Datacenter Server LE
Microsoft Corp. today announced Windows® Datacenter Server Limited Edition as the next installment in the Windows family of servers. As part of the Microsoft® Windows Datacenter Program, Windows Datacenter Server Limited Edition is for customers that require their server operating environment to provide enhanced le ...

Chemical Companies Increasing Productivity With BizTalk Serv
Today at ISA 2001, the annual conference of the Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, Microsoft Corp. announced the Microsoft® BizTalk™ Server 2000 CIDX Software Development Kit (SDK). The BizTalk SDK will provide chemical companies with a powerful solution enabling rapid integration of applications, pla ...

Intel Pentium4 2GHz Processor Review
TweakTown has posted a review on the Intel Pentium4 2GHz processor. The Intel Pentium 4 processor has had a somewhat rocky entry into the market since it´s release earlier this year. Intel´s marketing ideas have been criticised by most media sources around the world for the expensive RDRAM, and developing technolog ...

Intel 845 Chipset Review
Accelenation. com has posted a review on the Intel 845 chipset as well as four production boards. Now, besides the difference in memory support, there won’t be a whole lot of difference between 845 and 850.

Official 4-1 Drivers 4.33
VIA Hardware send words that official VIA 4-1 drivers 4. 33 are now available The 4. 33 BETA 4-1 drivers we posted last week are now official. The drivers are the same as the ones we had posted earlier, however they can be called official now that they are on VIA´s site.

VIA Chipset Roadmap
VIA Hardware has posted the VIA Chipset roadmap VIA just recently launched the KT266A and P4X chipsets, though things are certainly going to get more exciting over the next 12 months. Be sure to check this out for more info on P4X333, Zoetrope, K8T33 and much much more.

ZZZ Online #96
The 96th issue of ZZZ online is out. Read in the latest issue of ZZZ online about: - the fastest human powered submarine - small helicopter - robotic space carrier - 3D robotic surgery.

Internet Explorer 6.0 Italian
The Italian version of Internet Explorer 6. 0 is now available. Thanks Lucia. .

Volcano 6 Cu Heatsink Review
Computer Choas has posted a review on the Volcano 6 Cu Heatsink. The Volcano 6 Cu is geared for those that don´t like the noisy 7000 RPM fans that come on the Cu+, yet still need decent cooling for their Socket A or Socket 370 CPU´s.

MSI 850 Pro2 Motherboard Review
T-Break has posted a review on MSI´s P4 board- the 850 Pro2 Another interesting thing was the inclusion of an additional heatsink/fan combo for the Northbridge. If you feel that the standard North Bridge heatsink isn´t up to you specifications for overclocking, you can replace it with the included one- a good option.

Hercules Fortissimo II Review
Serial Addiction has posted a review on the Hercules Fortissimo II soundcard. Yes, yet another Blue PCB´ed Hercules Product is gracing our desktop´s today. This time it´s the Hercules GameSurround Fortissimo II Soundcard.

Volcano 5 Heatsink Review
GideonTech. com has posted a review on Thermal Take´s Volcano 5 heatsink. One of the most important elements that I value on any heatsink is the clip design. Thermal Take usually considers the request from many users on a simple clip that works.