
T-Break has posted a review on the Iwill KK266plus-R motherboard. The Iwill KK266 was a pretty good motherboard and instantly turned us into Iwill fans. Where other motherboard manufacturers were cutting corners, Iwill offered everything- from performance and features to overclocking and support- and wrapped everyt ...

Europes Hotmail users to get mobile access
LONDONMicrosoft will give its 20 million e-mail users in Europe access to messages via their mobile phones, the company said Thursday, unveiling a new alliance with European mobile operators. The initiative involving a joint venture between Danish mobile operator TDC Mobile International and Anglo-Dutch CMG Wireles ...

Intel Ultra ATA Drivers 6.20.2018
Asus has posted new Intel Ultra ATA drivers 6. 20. 2018. Thanks Mark. .

Promise FastTrack100 TX2 Review
PC Hardware has posted a review on the Promise FastTrack100 TX2 IDE RAID controller IDE RAID controllers represent one of the newest additions to a personal box list of gadgets. The IDE RAID controller is regarded right now like a popular choice between the users ready to spend a little bit more in order to increas ...

Leadtek Geforce 2 Pro
Hexus has posted a review on the Leadtek Geforce 2 Pro video card. On the subject of overclockability (if that´s a word) I feel that with some better cooling on the RAM chips I could get a stable 460 out of it and possibly something like 480 for a short period of time.

Vantec CCK-6035D Review
Viper´s Lair has posted a review on the Vantec CCK-6035D cooper cooler As you probably know, copper is in, and aluminum is passé. As CPUs run hotter, manufacturers need something new to handle the heat.

Qwest wont credit Code Red victims
The state attorney general has asked Qwest to give refunds to customers who lost high-speed Internet connections as a result of the Code Red computer worm attack, but the Denver-based Internet access provider is refusing.

New Kyro & PowerVR FAQ
Paraknowya has updated their Kyro & PowerVR FAQ to version 2. 2 The English FAQ is now on version 2. 2. I would like to say thanks to all the people who did the translations. We now have translations in German, Korean and Spanish.

DeviceLock for Windows NT/2000/XP 5.0 Beta 3
A new beta version of DeviceLock for Windows NT/2000/XP 5. 0 is out. DeviceLock gives network administrators control over which users can access what devices (floppies, serial and parallel ports, Magneto-Optical disks, CD-ROMs, ZIPs, etc.

Abit Interview
OC Workbench has posted an interview with Scott Thirwell from Abit OCW : ABIT released the TH7-II, a RAMBUS board using S478, currently no manufacturers did a similar board, what makes ABIT go with this combination ? a 850+S478 mainboard? Scott : ABIT put out the TH7-RAID last March for the 423 pin Intel P4 to use ...

Compaq iPAQ H3650 Handheld Organizer
Neoseeker has posted a review on the Compaq iPAQ H3650 Handheld Organizer which uses Microsoft´s Pocket PC Operating System. Well first off I would have to say this is one y handheld. I personally love the look, very nice polished silver finish.

Abit KT7E Review
Overclocked Cafe has a review of ABIT´s KT7E motherboard, based on the KT133E chipset. For a budget motherboard it pounds out solid non-budget motherboard numbers. For those with 200MHz FSB AMD´s looking for a motherboard that will give them a bit more life out of their processor and SDRAM, it would be an excellent ...

Glowire Case Mod Kit
GideonTech. com has posted a review on the Glowire Case Mod Kit. One thing I did notice is that the wire connecting the Glowire to the driver gets a little hot to the touch. For all you temperature freaks out there, this may be something to look out for.

Lite-On LTR-16101B Review
Storage Review has put up a Lite-On LTR-16101B CD-RW review As CD-RW popularity continues to expand, more and more players arrive to market with offerings of their own. Lite-On has historically been a big player in the CD-ROM drive market both in Taiwan as well as worldwide.

Actiontec unveils USB/Ethernet DSL modem
Everything USB send some USB news: Actiontec unveils USB/Ethernet DSL modem Actiontec´s latest DSL modem features support for either an Ethernet or USB installation, (USB supported in Windows 98/ME/2000) allowing users to run the USB/Ethernet Home DSL Modem on most any system.

1GHz Duron Review
AMDZone has posted a review on the 1GHz Duron For months overclockers have been happily reaching 1GHz with their Durons. It has become perhaps the most overclocker friendly CPU on the market. Finally AMD has officially released the GHz Duron.

McAfee DAT and SuperDAT 4155
McAfee Virus definitions has been updated to version 4155 If you are using VirusScan 5. x, you can easily update your DAT files from the VirusScan Central (the main VirusScan menu) and click on the Update button.

Blackcomb Delayed, Longhorn on Tap
Market research firm and consultancy Gartner Inc. warned that the version of Windows which Microsoft Corp. plans to ship after Windows. NET Server – code-named “Blackcomb” – would probably be delayed through 2003.

M-Systems DiskOnKey
Hardware Daily has posted a review on M-Systems DiskOnKey The DiskOnKey is at once both a simplistic and technologically innovative little product. This little flash disk has the capabilities of being installed on virtually any machine to quickly transfer data back and forth.