Date: 2025-03-16 22:28 | Last update:


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Gaming Screwdriver #3

TacoNuts has put up the third edition of the Gaming Screwdriver. Unlike Max Payne, however, Serious Sam seems to have been made for multiplayer. I know, I know, it’s been out since Granny was riding horses in her youth, but I’ve just begun to appreciate the complexities of…aw, nevermind.
0 1210
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

The Claw Review

BoomGames has posted a review of a new device - The Claw. Since the dawn of FPS´s (First Person Shooters) the standard for top level players has always been the mouse and keyboard. Sure, quite a few companies have come out with the next great thing but in the end, they´ve always flopped.
0 752
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Dragon Orb 3 Review

Serial Addiction has posted a review on the Dragon Orb 3 Ah yes, yet another orb style heatsink from our good friends at ThermalTake. The Dragon Orb 3 follows the same design as its orb siblings. The Question is weather or not it will follow the same lacking performance trend.
0 980
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Noise Control Silverado CPU Cooler Review

Slautech has posted a review on the Noise Control Silverado CPU cooler The Silverado is the quietest cooler, although the YSTech case fan is almost inaudible, but that´s just a fan by itself. The only problem is, you need a quiet computer to take advantage of the low noise generated by the Silverado.
0 1704
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Oxygen GVX1 Pro NT 4.0 Drivers

3dlabs has released new Windows NT 4. 0 drivers for the Oxygen GVX1 Pro video card. Thanks Mark. Current release - • Fixed lockup problems with VX1 and GVX1 AGP boards in VIA based motherboards. • Fixed 16x16 color cursor problem seen with Electric Image.
0 679
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Dell Poweredge 2550 Review

TweakMax has posted a review on the Dell Poweredge 2550 Server Intel CPU´s + more than 512 MB RAM = i8XX and RDRAM? No, actually not. . . Is it BX then? Nope, it´s a ServerWorks HE-SL chipset that is powering a lot of server motherboards today.
0 2188
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

NVIDIA Quadro2 Go Review

Digit-Life has posted a review on the NVIDIA Quadro2 Go The NVIDIA Quadro2 Go is a hybrid of a professional and mobile graphics solution. As we may suspect, such development costs NVIDIA only a certification of professional drivers for the GeForce2 Go, which we have already written about.
0 1301
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ZZZ Online #93

The 93rd issue of ZZZ online is out. Read in the latest issue of ZZZ online about: - cooling by -50 degrees air stream - valveless pulse jet engine - freak car - self-assembling monolayer nanolithography.
0 1349
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Hercules 3DTweaker 2.1

Warp2Search send words that a new version of Hercules 3DTweaker is available You may change clock & memory frequencies with the 3DTweaker, but the tool also permits adjustments on the 1x, 2x or 4x AGP mode.
0 1122
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MSI K735 Review

T-Break has posted a review on MSI´s SiS735 chipset based board- the K735. One thing we noticed was that if you change the clock multiplier and the system fails to POST, just wait for a few seconds and the multiplier is automatically adjusted to it´s original setting- pretty neat.
0 966
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

IomegaWare 3.06

USBMan send words that Iomega has released IomegaWare 3. 06 Three months to the day after Iomega released IomegaWare version 3. 0, the Zip disk peripheral and media maker has released it´s newest software offering.
0 2029
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16x10x40x Lite-On BURN-Proof CD-RW drive

Adrian´s Rojak Pot has posted a review on the 16x10x40x Lite-On BURN-Proof CD-RW drive BURN-Proof, as you would have read from the previous review, was developed by Sanyo to overcome the buffer under-run error that plagues most CD-RW users.
0 2191
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

20.80 Detonators will NOT be release this week!

Brian Frank
In case you guys haven't heard, Nvidia told M3DZone that the statement about the 20. 80's being released this week were incorrect. It on the main page at. Nvidia did say it will release them soon though, so you guys can all take a breather.
1 1138
avatar Last reply by EddiE314,

ATI TV Wonder USB Edition Review

Hardware Extreme´s reader has posted a review on the ATI TV Wonder USB Edition I wanted TV capabilities on my machine downstairs where I had no TV. I searched reviews and found a very positive review of the ATI WONDER USB.
0 2702
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Swiftech MCX370-0A Cooler Review

GideonTech. com has posted a review on the Swiftech MCX370-0A cooler. The heatsink differs from the previous model in that each individual pin is ribbed. Labeled as a helicoid pin design, it supposedly increases the pin´s surface area 2:1.
0 2468
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VIA Apollo Pro266 Motherboards Roundup

Digit-Life has posted Part II of their VIA Apollo Pro266 motherboards roundup At last DDR SDRAM has become equal in price to usual SDRAM almost all throughout the world. New advanced revisions of DDR chipset for Athlon and renewed mainboards make the difference between a progressive well-balanced DDR platform and a ...
0 1007
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Tweak XP 1.14

TweakFiles has posted a new version of Tweak XP Tweak-XP - The tweaking eXPerience. The First Tweaking And Tuning Utility Especially For Windows XP. Unlike other tweaking utilities, Tweak-XP bundles more than 22 different utilities in one: tweaks, tools, hardware optimizations and a lot more - too much to list here.
0 1898
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Off Topic: Mandrake Linux 8.1 Beta 1

MandrakeSoft has released the first beta of Mandrake Linux 8. 1 The Beta1 of the upcoming Mandrake Linux 8. 1 for x86 has hit the mirrors. Sticking to the path opened by the 8. 0 version, Mandrake Linux 8.
0 1121
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Compex DS2216 Dual Speed Switch Review

Serial Addiction has posted a review on the Compex DS2216 Dual Speed Switch Why use a switch instead of a hub? They both do the same thing, and a hub is cheaper right? Wrong! Hubs and Switches are very different.
0 882
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