
PC Stats has posted a review on the MSI 850 Pro2 P4 motherboard With its´ distinctive three and one RIMM slot orientation, the MSI 850 Pro2 is set to capture the attention of the ever increasing market for P4 mainboards.

NNTP Service in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000...
...Contains Memory Leak The NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) service in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 contains a memory leak in a routine that processes news postings. Each time such a posting is processed that contains a particular construction, the memory leak causes a small amount of memory to no longer ...

LinkSys EtherFast 2-port PrintServer Review
PC Stats has posted a review on the LinkSys EtherFast 2-port PrintServer Chances are some of you will be familiar with the grinding halts, crashed windows and other joys of having your computer act as a print server for an entire office of print-crazy co-workers.

nVidia Detonator 8.05
M3DZone has put up new Detonator driver 8. 05 for Windows 9x, 2000, and NT 4. 0.

Hauppauge 2.27 WDM Drivers
Hauppauge has released new WDM drivers v2. 27 for their tv cards. Thanks Nico. .

AnchorDesk: Is Windows XP ready to roll?
Is Windows XP ready to go? Or are there problems lurking that Microsoft needs to know about? That´s the question I was asked late last week, and by none other than Microsoft´s Jim Allchin, the man responsible for getting the next-generation OS out the door.

Viruses wiggle into IM chats
Bates, an 18-year-old who will start his freshman year at Oklahoma University this month, knew it was uncharacteristic of Trey to flood him with winking facesa popular emoticon used to color text-based IM conversations.

Exchange 5.5 MTA Patch 2654.89
Microsoft has released a new patch for Exchange 5. 5 SP4. Thanks Christian. This patch resolves problems that were found in the Exchange 5. 5 MTA since SP4 was released. See More Information for a list of the fixes that are included in this patch.

Radeon 8500, ATi flexes some muscle
Hardware Analysis has posted a review on the Radeon 8500 ATi has finally released samples of their new Radeon product line to the press. We were able to get up-close-and-personal with a Radeon 8500 for a couple of hours.

TYAN S2462 Thunder K7 V2.07a Bios
Tyan has released a new bios for the Thunder K7 motherboard. New features and Fixes : Fix error message when on board Option ROM is disabled. Modify HW monitor and add temperature control (Give warning beep when CPU reaches 72.

Techno Trend 2.07 WDM Drivers
Techno Trend has released new 2. 07 WDM drivers for TT-DVBsat PCI, TT-DVB-C PCI, and TT-DVB-T PCI. Thanks Mindstorm. .

Microsoft enlists VC firm in .Net push
Microsoft continues to spread its. Net strategy. The software giant on Tuesday chose Madrona Venture Group to take part in a program to persuade start-up companies to participate in its software-as-a-service initiative.

Trendmicro PC-cillin 98 / 2000 Pattern 925
Trendmicro has posted new virus definitions (#925) for PC-cillin 98 and 2000

Abit KG7 RAID Review
OC Workbench has posted a review on the Abit KG7 RAID motherboard. Installation wise is simple provided you have the tendency to install the rams from inward from the most exterior slot, otherwise you will be greeted with a warning message and the system refuse to POST.

TweakXP 1.13
Warp2Search send words that a new version of TweakXP is out Changelog version 1. 13: - Several new tweaks added. - Hungarian language files added. - Several changes and improvements. - Improved program code and language files.

Windows XP and Home Networks
ExtremeTech has put up a network guide for Windows XP. Thanks. How will XP work with your home network? Can it co-exist with your current network, and can it bring new features to improve network installation and operation? We tested pre-release versions of Windows XP (through RC2) to give you a heads up on the ans ...

nVidia Detonator 4 Drivers Preview
Anandtech has posted a nVidia detonator 4 drivers preview In spite of the seemingly endless stream of NVIDIA driver leaks, NVIDIA was able to keep one little trick under raps. While originally intended to be released alongside NVIDIA’s fall product line, increasing pressure from their chief competitor forced NVIDIA ...

IBM drops AMD in North America
IBM has quietly discontinued using Advanced Micro Devices´ chips in PCs sold in North America, as the battle for market share between AMD and Intel intensifies. Big Blue continues to use AMD chips in computers sold in Asia, but an IBM spokesman confirmed Monday that the company has dropped AMD´s Athlon and Duron ch ...

Amdmb.com Ultimate System Guide
Amdmb. com has posted their Ultimate System Guide I have been touted and promoting this Ultimate System Guide for quite a while here on Amdmb. com. Why? Because I was very excited about all the components that were being gathered for it.