
3D Spotlight has updated their weekly price guide. 3D Spotlight´s price list has just been updated to reflect latest prices for CPUs, motherboards, videocards, memory and soundcards. There are quite a few bargains on the CPU arena this week, starting with the 1GHz Athlon processor selling for less than $80.

IOGear to ship USB 2.0 hub
Everything USB send words that IOGear ships their USB 2. 0 hub The four-port USB hub acts as a repeater between the USB host controller and the device; it is packaged with a USB 2. 0 A to B cable and power adaptor.

Handspring Visor Prism PDA Review
PC Stats has posted a review on the Handspring Visor Prism PDA Personal Digital Assistants (PDA´s) are nothing new - they have been around in one form or another for several years now from a handful of companies.

ATI TV Wonder - USB Edition Video Review
3D Game Man has posted a video review on the ATI TV Wonder - USB Edition

Intel Tualatin P3 1.2Ghz Preview
The Tech Zone has posted a preview on the Intel Tualatin P3 1. 2Ghz CPU The new Pentium3 isn´t all that new. Changes are evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, which stands to reason. Intel doesn´t want to reinvent the wheel, just do a better job of filling a perceived gap in its product line.

Via readies Pentium 4 chipset
Via Technologies is set to launch its Pentium 4 chipset in full production quantities on Wednesday, despite the threat of legal action from Intel. The Taiwan semiconductor manufacturer, the second largest chipset maker after Intel, is using both the S3 and Via brands on the new chipsets in an attempt to dodge legal ...

Microsoft Windows XP Review
Vnunet has posted a review on Microsoft Windows XP Windows is not a single product, it´s a family. Some of its older members are now regarded only with nostalgic affection but there are several versions of Windows still in regular use.

Microsoft Office Keyboard Powers Up on Productivity
Raising the bar on computing efficiency, Microsoft Corp. today unveiled the new Microsoft® Office Keyboard, the company’s most significant keyboard advancement since 1994 when the split-design, ergonomic Natural® Keyboard Elite was introduced.

NVMax Beta 3.00.21
Warp2Search send words that a new beta version of NVMax is out. Lots of things fixed or updated. Please uninstall any older versions of nvmax before using this edition. This beta is an example of the major version release that will be along not to long from now.

Tyan Thunder K7 Review
I am Not a Geek dot com has posted a review on the Tyan Thunder K7 dual Athlon motherboard. Look at that, 4 more fan headers, these are to power the fans on the heatsinks or at least two of them are.

Matrox Millenium G550 32MB Review
GamePC has posted a review on the Matrox Millenium G550 32MB video card. Looking to capitalize on the market they´ve dominated, Matrox is now launching their next generation business-oriented graphics card, the G550.

Ati All-in-Wonder Radeon Review
3dXtreme posted a review on the Ati All-in-Wonder Radeon all-in-1 solution. Ever since ATI literally invented the do-everything wonder card market with its All-In-Wonder product line, consumer 3D graphics have been rapidly advancing.

Intel Pentium III 1.13GHz and D815EEA2 Review
ActiveWin has put up a review on the Intel Pentium III 1. 13GHz CPU and the D815EEA2 motherboard Intel has recently unleashed the fastest Pentium III processor to date, clocked at 1. 13GHz. This new baby from the Santa-Clara giant is known under the sweet code name of Tualatin.

FrontX Review
HardwareExtreme has reviewed a product that could make computing easier for anyone, from gamers to coders this product makes life easier. The ability to use connecitons on the front of your computer and not have to reach to the back will save you a lot of energy.

Audigy Processor Powers EAX ADVANCED HD
Thanks to Anthony for this one: Creative, the worldwide leader in digital entertainment products for the PC and the Internet, introduces the next-generation Audigy™ audio processor and EAX® ADVANCED HD™, two core elements of Creative´s future audio developments.

Iwill KK266PLus Socket-A Motherboard Review
Hardware Analysis has posted a review on the Iwill KK266PLus Socket-A motherboard What do you get when you take an extremely stable and reliable motherboard, and add 6-channel hardware audio, better cooling, and better power delivery? Quite possibly the best Athlon board ever.

Microsoft, Kodak settle XP dispute
Microsoft and Kodak have reached a settlement that could take some political pressure off of the software maker and its plans to launch the Windows XP operating system. Kodak had accused Microsoft of foul play in how Windows XP handles digital photos.

Iomega cuts price on HipZip player
Everything USB send words that Iomega cuts price on HipZip player Iomega - Zip storage-maker - just lowered its price on the one-year old HipZip MP3 player to $149. 99. The HipZip MP3 player, originally priced at $299, uses the company´s own PocketZip 40MB disks for storage.

MemTach Results Browser
CPUReview has posted a MemTach result browser I´ve posted an interactive benchmark result brower for CPUReview´s MemTach memory benchmark - you can view charts (sorted by performance) for each of the 37 tests performed by MemTach! You can also see the system specification for each tested system by clicking on the l ...

Keeping Your Passwords Safe
PC911 has posted a new article about password security Do you protect your passwords as much as your data? If you don´t keep your passwords safe, then you might as well not have any. Unfortunately many people are guilty of gross negligence when it comes to passwords.