Date: 2025-01-28 23:44 | Last update:



Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316 Everything Apple 12


Windows 2008?

Should probably be added to the forum headers and the compatibility list. I personally am not going to do any 2008 testing until I'm done testing XP/2003 64bit so it'll be awhile yet. .
1 4161
avatar Last reply by Philipp on

Half-Life 2 vs. Halo 2

I'm so sorry, I jusy had to do it now that they are both released. Please post with every vote, I don't want fanboys posting here and saying things along the line of 'Halo 2 is shit' and 'Half-Life 2 blows' etc.
83 46489
avatar Last reply by coolgra101 on

Help plsss! New Build PC no boot screen

I need help pls. . i just build computer, M2R32 MVP MOBO AMD ATHLON 64 X2 6000+ ATI RADEON 3870 CORSAIR 4GB RAM WD 500GB HD 20X DVD DRIVE My question is why my computer cme up with no boot screen. video card, cpu fan, psu, hd and mobo are running fine, but when i connect the monitor to video card, no boot screen ca ...
5 10819
avatar Last reply by danleff on

The forum is a ghost town.......

Well. . . . . at least we don't have to worry about answering too many posts. . . . I'm wondering if the Vista release will spark some interest in the forums again but considering that the betas have been out for quite some time.
22 9794
avatar Last reply by jmmijo on

Website Blocking Due To Adblockers

Has anybody else noticed a recent influx of websites that redirect you to an ADBLOCKER page ?!? Seems to me that it's becoming more and more of a real problem but I guess that is their right to do so, it's their website.
7 5064
avatar Last reply by thatsteveguy on

Old Posts

Out of the 908 posts in Buy Sell and Trade, only 5 of them are for this year. Doesn't it use up space on the server keeping all these old posts in place? Some of them go back as far as 2000. As this is a free site, and still must cost money to operate, wouldn't it be more prudent to erase the older ones.
6 4756
avatar Last reply by thatsteveguy on

Annoying Error Message

Philip, not sure there is anything you can do about this error, but I do see it quite often and only when I click on the Active Topics in the past 24 Hours. Quote:You cannot make another search at this time.
2 4218
avatar Last reply by jmmijo on

There are N new stories -> Internal Server Error

On the NTCompatible. com page, clicking either link in 'There are N new stories (N on all websites)', results HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. Using IE 7+ and Firefox 1. 5. 0. 7, in Vista RC 1. .
2 4329
avatar Last reply by Wilhelmus on

AMD continues to be innovative! Matrix Video!

AMD has a cool new tradeshow web site that I posted a thread on yesterday, but this is even cooler! If you go to the site (virtualexperience. amd. com/show) and go to the AMD booth. Click on the big processor in the background.
0 3411
avatar Last reply by lazer009 on

AMD IT Virtual Experience

This is not really Windows CE or PDA related, but for those of you in the enterprise realm, Microsoft has a virtual trade show booth you can visit on a new AMD virtual trade show web site. There are lots of videos to watch and white papers to download and you can even register and get a free AMD t-shirt.
0 4589
avatar Last reply by lazer009 on

New Forum Posts on....

the main page always shows 3. It never updates to show the proper number of posts. Is this a script that isn't running or something to do with the forum merge ?!?.
5 5795
avatar Last reply by jmmijo on

Forum merge?

I currently consider to moving the forum to it's own website and merging both NT and Linux Compatible forums to a single one. What do you think? Good or bad idea?.
35 13135
avatar Last reply by jmmijo on


Anyone with good design skills interested in showing off your work and designing a cool signature for me to use in various forums? I will email you a few pictures of my case and would like you to include whichever one you want and incorporate my specs into the sig.
1 3466
avatar Last reply by tool_462 on

MacCompatible to complete the trilogy

Hi Phillip, Just wondering if you've ever considered setting up just to complete the set? I'm sure there are some people with fingers in both pies who'd be keen on it. Especially since you can run it off the same server as NT and Linux.
2 4455
avatar Last reply by DosFreak on

Google is Hiring Technical Project and People Managers (all locations)

Hi there. . . Google is hiring technical project and people managers at several locations around the country and internationally. Google is also hiring experienced Linux sysadmins for Portland, OR. (All positions require 3/4+ years of Linux!) Please see the job descriptions below: Please be in touch if you are inte ...
0 3477
avatar Last reply by tlacourse on

Mysterious spaces appear

If I type vbscript. dll (Note: There are no spaces typed. ) It'll show up as: vb_script_. dll, where _ is space. Is this a bug or behaviour by design?.
3 4499
avatar Last reply by Philipp on

World Cup 2006

The World Cup will be upon us soon. Good luck to all the countries that made it in. May the best country win!.
0 3166
avatar Last reply by Cormac on

Finland wins Eurovision!

Finnish heavy metal band Lordi (song Hard Rock Hallelujah) has won the 51st Eurovision Song Contest by 292(!) points. At last, I say (Finland's highest rank in eurovision has been 6th, in 1973). .
0 2772
avatar Last reply by Wilhelmus on