Date: 2025-03-04 00:21 | Last update:



Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316 Everything Apple 12


Friday the 13th

Have your day been different than the other days? Mine has not, yet. Something to read about:. .
20 9311
avatar Last reply by mjwebb007,

Online or Offline?

I need some help, well I'm makeing is paper for school I need know what people think about online and offline games for the computer. 1. How many people like to play online games? 2. How many people like offline games? 3.
7 5071
avatar Last reply by Darigaaz,

Online Gaming Questionnaire

Could I ask for my questionnaire about Online Gaming to be filled out? All information gathered will be used as part of a degree course in Network Technology. I am also asking for age and country in order to perform further analysis using that information.
11 39893
avatar Last reply by Cormac,

What happened with The Home of Underdogs ??

Hi people I´m trying to access the Home of The Underdogs website, but the browser directs me to one of those annoying pages that leads you to nothing but a lot of advertisements. What happened ?? Is it out of service ? Try:.
2 8420
avatar Last reply by maslak,

Do you ever get frustrated when your hard drive dies?

I found these pictures on my hard drive and I thought you all might enjoy taking a look at them. This hard drive died, and one of my customers asked me what we did with the dead drives. I told him target practice, and he laughed.
0 2244
avatar Last reply by tschrock,

DosBox 0.65 has been released!

Quote:DOSBox 0. 65 Yes it's been a while but we finally decided to release a new version. Quite a few changes have been made since last version, a few of the more important ones. 4/15/16/32bpp VESA mode support Lot's of fixes for better vga compatibility Improved CGA composite output Added video capturing to avi Im ...
0 4132
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

WinMX is back

The WinMX community is back, the files are back, and the users are taking a stand. . It is time for the RIAA to understand that they cannot destroy filesharing by intimidation any longer. They may be able to bully Corporations, but the users are not going to sit by and let it happen.
2 2855
avatar Last reply by mctonale,

System shutdown

I recently had some blue screens coming out once a week , as I tried reinstalling the windows to see if this would resolve the problem but it has not , there for I checked out some diffrent sites and FAQ's with guides to solve the problem , a short notice later I cam by a program that would check the fan speed of m ...
4 3206
avatar Last reply by vanekjj,

forum ideas

Phillip I have a request for you to consider please. Firstly you're doing a great job maintaining the forum however we've all noticed the increase of spamming occuring, especially in resurrecting zombie threads.
4 6657
avatar Last reply by tool_462,

Help with a motherbord !!! pls

i have on old pc like 4 years or + so. . its an old intel 333 mhz if i remeber ht eproblem is. . that i dont have any manual for the motherbord. . i tyd to search info about the mother bord. . but the only thing i know that is pac-2002.
3 4779
avatar Last reply by Sampson,

How hot does a Notebook PC run?

Just concerned about something. I recently bought a Notebook PC (Neo Q-Note Endura 350SL, Celeron 1. 3GHz, 256MB RAM, Sis M661MX + SiS 963L Chipset, 40GB Hard Disk), and after just a few days of use, it runs quite hot.
5 8065
avatar Last reply by LivnLarge,

Problems in installing windows NT4

Hi please help me coz im having a problem installing windows nt4 in a pentium4 3. 0Ghz 2Gb memory server. Is there any hardware compatibility issues on windows nt4?.
0 4462
avatar Last reply by Hubes,

Stop that spammer.

This person/bot yutao is really spamming all across net: Including NT Compatible's forums. .
3 2052
avatar Last reply by Cormac,

Search Function

Hi Everyone From the old version of NT Compatible web site there used to be a search facility from which you could search all articles or drives section or any section or all sections. I can't seem to find this facility anymore.
2 4235
avatar Last reply by CGhoST,
Avatar not recognize me!

Smiling Spectre
Hello! I'm not too often visit this site, and, AFAIR, only theme, that I wrote was Magic the Gathering on XP. So I found this only now: When I enters forum and write my message, it's ok. After I close session and leave forum, I need to enter my logon again.
5 8071
avatar Last reply by Cormac,

Color suggestions

Happy new year ! A suggestion for the color theme on the front page: - Instead of only carrying a visible header for the day (Border with background-color), then there should be a visible header for each news-item (Especially since the font-color for the news-item is the same of a normal link, making everything flo ...
1 4528
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

E-Mail problem need help quickly

gef4000 mx
I cannot access my e-mail through aol. com or yahoo. com or pretty much anywhere else I have tried many ways to try to get it to work but none so far have worked i used to have regular dial-up then switched to regular cable now i switched again to high-speed cable ( which isn't working which is why i need e-mail fo ...
8 3711
avatar Last reply by gef4000 mx,

Ebay and Paypal

Anyone here use paypal service? I wish to start using it but want some feedback on its performance, reliability, etc. I would like to start using ebay. .
5 3972
avatar Last reply by zenarcher,

Free alienware pc for all (UK)

Get a free alienware (Top of the range) pc see here: and then click this link I need 30 referrals to get mine all you need to do is register, open a betfair account with £10 (refundable) and get 30 referrals Worth a try?
21 11752
avatar Last reply by mctonale,