Date: 2025-03-04 14:24 | Last update:



Slack Space 1613 Feedback 1316 Everything Apple 12



HI I would really appreciate anyone giving a review on my site Any comment welcome as long as it is constructive. The site is lacking user content at the moment so you'll have to pretend there's lots more going on there 🙂.
0 1586
avatar Last reply by craig6398,

Borland 4.52 problems

Hi! I´m having difficulty running Borland 4. 52. I get error messages such as General Protection Exception and Exceeds Segment Bounds. Actually it´s like the thing has a life og its own. Some times it works, sometimes it doesn´t.
1 2017
avatar Last reply by Wilhelmus,

Dynamic DNS

free top level dynamic DNS service - Free dynamic dns service is provided to all domains which are registered, renewed or transfered to Dynu Registrar. Click and receive free dynamic dns service for it.
0 2185
avatar Last reply by mike1250,

Those stupid banner contests??? do they work?? any of them???

Hey guys, I was just wandering. . . . . . . I know you know what im talking about when i refer to those ever so ANNOYING banners on cheap websites that tell you if YOU HIT THE KANGAROO or MAKE THE BASKET or SWAT THE FLY or PUNCH THE BOXER or WHATEVER OTHER FREAKING NONSENCE THEY COME UP WITH you can WIN AN IPOD!!!! ...
3 1620
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

Request: Ability to change usernames

It's all in the title really. If this feature is not possible (for whatever reason) then may I ask an admin to change my username for me please?.
4 2167
avatar Last reply by Wicked101,

change userid or delete account?

I was wondering how I can either change my userid or delete my account on ntcompatible. com so I can create a new userid. Thanks. .
2 3238
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Forum updates?

Did this forum just got updated or what? Better organized than the older one. /me likes.
5 2446
avatar Last reply by Philipp,

Linux making BIG strides here imo...

Linux rocks. However the Linux kernel suffers from a number of design issues that have and will continue to plague it. Namely the fact that the LK team has never gone out of their way to create a stable Driver ABI with which binary drivers can be developed against.
15 2991
avatar Last reply by Jerry Atrik,

RSS Feeds

Philip, any chance that something like this can be added to the forum. I'd like to see something like this or a weekly/monthly digest perhaps Just a thought. . . .
3 2098
avatar Last reply by jmmijo,

Mr Leicester 35451 (Monitor)

Dear Leicester 35451 This is b8251213 with the monitor problem the quarter inch squares on my monitor screen. You asked for a screen shot that is fine but how do I go about doing that like I said they last 5 to seven seconds.
11 2368
avatar Last reply by Wilhelmus,

Tiscali let me down (polite title!)

Not to rant or anything, I just wanted to let you guys know about my dealings with Tiscali. . . . you can draw your own conclusions! -pay special attention to the bit where I say don't sign up with them! Now normally I am a chilled out kinda person who actually finds it hard to intimidate anyone and usually doesn't ...
14 2481
avatar Last reply by ScinteX,

Slashdot story about Tim Patterson "Father of DOS"...

Yeah, I read that earlier tonight. Lots of info I didn't know but it's hard to get the facts from Slashdot. Going to have to find a good book or something for the REAL truth. Unfortunately, that's what this whole mess is about.
0 1652
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

Was listening to the MIB commentary and heard this joke again....

The joke occurs when they are in the restaurant and your heard something like Yeah, but this one's eating my popcorn!. I'd heard that a long time ago but never bothered to look it up and unfortuntately the commentary didn't explain it so I searched the net and here it is! Quote:An old farmer went to town to see a m ...
2 1888
avatar Last reply by Wicked101,