
Mutasem Semakieh
HEY my gamer tag is vegamo. . . im in the best minor clan match clan in halo 2 right now. Clan stk. im a really decent player. I noticed when i got halo 2 that legendary got harder, Elites got stronger, I played legendary the first week i got the game and I was owned.

Who knows a good programming text editor?
I'm pretty sure that at least some of u ppl are programmers of some sort. Does anyone know a good text editor or dev environmenr prog? The most important thing for me is color coding the text. I want something that works with (at least) html, javascript, java, c++, and css.

M$ releases anti-spyware...huh!
I wonder if it reports all the 'on by default' Micro$lop 'phone-home-ware' built right in to windohs?! Everything after '98' should have had it built right in to the OS, the nerve! They are offering a free beta for now, pay them later for software to fix the other software they sold you in the first place.

Whew! I ran into a WILD and INTERESTING topic on IRC tonite: DO READ!
I have only 2 things. Osama Bin Laden/Sept 11 Boxing Day Tsunami.

Sims 2 + ntcompatible in google
Wanted to see if people have been posting about Sims 2 problems in relation to NTCompatible so I did a google search. Found this link: Scroll down for the details. Pretty cool. Check my sig!.

i need help now with my motherboard
ok so i just bought the sims 2 i installed it and some stuipid pop up thing says failed to find any directx 9. 0c compatable graphics adapters in this system! please make sure you have a directx 9. 0c compatable graphics adapter and have installed the latest drivers provided by the manufacturer.

Gents, what other forums do you find outstanding on-the-wire out here?
I haven't yet found another forum out there that provides the level of support we do here, with the level of expertise, and the general lack of flaming and trolls (apart from the Halo vs Half Life thread a couple of weeks ago) I think we should all be proud of what we've done here! And none of it would be possible ...

'bout chipset for high-low water sensor
hello there i need a little help here i do some school project i need to do some electrical in my project the probs are i don't know what kind of chipset i need to use to make my project success. i need to know what chipset that i have to use.

VB 5.0 help file - i need help
guys, hi to all! i'm a newbie in here and i need your help. Maybe someone could help me, i need a vb 5. 0 help file. pls. help. thanks guys! -neon.

Norton Protected Cycle Bin
Is anyone can help me to delete the files and folders in the protected cycle bins. It seems that there are two trash cans. If I click on properties then select option unerased wizard. It will bring back all the files.

Like "Classic Sci-Fi" T.V. shows? Tonite (01/08/2005) BATTLESTAR GALACTIC on T.V
This is just a repeat of the mini-Series that aired in December of 2003 on the Sci-Fi channel The series will start on Jan 21st on the Sci-Fi channel at 10PM following the new season of Stargate: SG1 and Stargate: Atlantis Sorry if my geekiness is oooozing out a bit on this one

Why are you running Linux?
Just thought I would pose a poll as for your reasoning in selecting this OS. For me, the final kicker was the pricing on upgrading our Exchange server from 5. 5 to 2000. As there is no longer an upgrade option, it will now cost at *least* $10,000US for us to REPLACE the licenses, rather than a few grand at the most ...

Viruses become part of Sims 2 life
January 6, 2005, 4:43 PM PST Electronic Arts' simulated life game, Sims 2, lets players create their own digital lifestyleone that is not supposed to include computer viruses. However, hacks of in-game items and users' penchant for showing off their houses has led to an epidemic of strange items appearing in player ...

Randon Crashes
I have just built a sys. for the first time. It runs good until it seems to shut down. The screen goes black and the power light turns orange(17 Sony Trinitron) I reset the comp. and it runs normal for awhile.

Which is more problematic/complicated???
Its one of those days again, BLAH BLAH BLAH, WARA WARA WARA

If you could grow up in another decade, which would it be in the last 100 years?
Jerry Atrik
20's so i could fight in ww2 with the rest of my family

have you heard from......
.... deadcats, SHS or eddie314? Haven't seen them on here for ages and was wondering what's happened to them.

I'd like your opinions in another forum's article...
Well I have seen first hand how a good memory optimizer can help and I have also seen where it didn't or actually degraded performance somewhat. This being said leads me to believe that there are *always* going to be scenario's where these kinds of apps will work wonders and others that it will not.

Microsoft's AntiSpyware offering "beta #1" screenshot
I'd be happy with it if the app performs as good as AdAware Personal Edition