Archive for December 2008

MacCleanse 1.3.5 0
Highbrow 1.0b 0
Firewall Builder 3.0.3 0
uTorrent 0
AASync 2.1.5 0
xvidEncoder 0.9.6 0
Apple to begin work on first retail store in France 0
VoodooPad 4.0.3 0
Net Monitor Sidekick 1.1.2b1 0
phpMyAdmin 3.1.1rc1 0
VoodooPad Lite 4.0.3 0
NoobProof 1.3 0
Amnesty Widget Browser 1.5 0
Amnesty Singles 1.5 0
Rumor: Apple's iTunes going DRM-free starting Tuesday 0
Carbon Copy Cloner 3.1.3 0
Apple's ARM Plans in 2009 NetBooks, Tablets, Other 0
MacWise 11.51 0
Lab Tick 0.9.2 0
File Juicer 4.12 0
Screenium 1.0.7 0
Steve Jobs key to selecting tunes for Apple ads 0
The Top 10 Useful iPhone Apps of 2008 0
OnyX 2.0b2 0
Radmind 1.13 0
Blue Crab 4.9.14 0
Compress Files '08 Release 2 0
ChocoFlop 0.901 0
Radar in Motion 2.6 0
Apple vs. Dell vs. Lenovo: Got to Love Choices 0
Apple's Staunch Defense of the iPod Ecosystem 0
AddMovie 1.6 0
AudioCodex 1.47 0
x264Encoder 0.9.5 0
Apple's LED Cinema Display: the review 0
GMail Notifr 0.2.8 0
RarMachine 1.0.2 0
Can Apple Beat Sony and Nintendo at Their Own Game 0
NTFS-3G for OS X 1.5130 0
Documenting Chicago's Musical Legacy With iTunes 0
Net Monitor Sidekick 1.1.1b1 0
Fiwi 1.7 0
Vox (was ToolPlayer) 0.2.6 0
Economy, opportunity seen leading to $599 Apple netbook 0
VueScan 8.4.97 0
LaunchBar 5.0b1 0
Obama's Zune Prompts Screams of Betrayal From Apple Fanboy Nation 0
A $99 Apple-branded cell phone is inevitable, analyst says 0
Opera 10.0a1 0
ToMacs 2.0.3 0