Archive for July 2008

PDFKey Pro 3.7.3 0
JES Deinterlacer 3.3 0
OnyX 1.9.6b3 0
Boinx FotoMagico 2.5b4 0
Apple allegedly sanctioning Rogers for iPhone rates 0
VisualHub 1.34 0
Portable Adium 1.2.7r4.0 0
MacVim 33 0
OpenOffice 3.0b1 0
FileZilla for Leopard 0
X Lossless Decoder 20080706 0
iTunes' Rivals Are Worth a Look 0
AudioCodex 1.2 0
Xupport 3.4.5 0
Gizmo 0
Adium X 1.2.7 0
iGlasses 2.1.1 0
Text to PDF 1.0 0
Flock 1.2.3 0
PortDetector 2.0 0
AudialHub 1.06 0
New Apple touch patents show body part sensing, fingernail input 0
DiskCatalogMaker X 5.0 0
Synchronize! X Pro 6.0.2 0
Secrets 1.0.5 0
iDefrag 1.6.6 0
FilePathCM 1.0.8 0
Apple lops $500 off the price of SSD-based MacBook Air 0
UK Entrepreneurs Eye iPod Users With New miShake Player 0
Apple accidently ships MobileMe boxes; Google Talk for iPhone 0
Challenges ahead as Apple and Best Buy expand Mac program 0
Purify 2.1.1 0
What's Keeping Me 1.2 0
OmniGraffle 5.0.1 beta 5 0
AnimAide 1.0.9 0
mp4vDecoder 0.7.8 0
avc1Decoder 0.7.8 0
EasyCrop 2.2.7 0
Emailchemy 9.8 0
Jobs Co. sued again; Mac web share up; iTunes K-12 launches 0
Adobe Flash Player 10.0.0525 0
aLunch 3.5.4 0
Adobe Reader 9.0 0
Docker 1.5 0
ATT says original iPhones can be deactivated and used as WiFi iPods 0
MacLoc 1.1 0
Graphic Converter Classic 6.1.1 0
ReelBean 3.8 0
CopyPaste Pro 1.0.9 0
iTool 1.1.8 0