Archive for July 2008

Apple Provides iPhone Developers with Daily Download Stats 0
Psystar hires attorneys who've faced Apple before 0
SMART Utility 1.2.2 0
A Better Finder Rename 0
Psystar hires attorneys who've taken down Apple before 0
Apple seeds developer tools for background-conscious iPhone apps 0
JDiskReport 1.3.1 0
Leopard Cache Cleaner 4.0.13 0
Apple iTunes 7.7.1 0
QuickCopy 2.1.5 rc2 0
FruitMenu 3.7b4 0
Flip4Mac Drive-in 0
McAfee Virex 7.x DAT File 7080730 0
VMware Fusion for Mac 2.0b2 0
Tarot Cards, Palm Reading and Apple Patents 0
Griffin Wave for iPhone Case Review 0
Apple iPhone 3G Review 0
Mac Notebook and iPod Updates in September 0
Apple Releases iTunes 7.7.1 Update 0
Apple Seeds 2nd Beta of iPhone 2.1 Firmware to Developers 0
OmniGraffle 5.0.2 beta 1 0
HistoryHound 1.9.5d7 0
Dell to Take Second Swing at iPod 0
Apple set to drop Mac OS X 10.5.5 Update on developers 0
ARM reports finger Apple as 'long term architecture licensee' 0
GyazMail 1.5.8 0
NeoOffice Patch 2.2.4 patch 3 0
ARM Announces Major New Licensee, Is it Apple 0
Apple warns resellers of Mac and iPod drought, says load up now 0
Maintenance 1.2.2 0
ReelBean 3.81 0
Apple says MobileMe transition complete, lost messages recovered 0
Apple's next-gen iPod nano may see return of narrow form factor 0
Text to PDF 1.0.1 0
iFreeMem 3.0 0
PDF to Text 1.0.1 0
Clean Your Mac 1.0.1 0
File Renamer 1.0.1 0
Miana 1.1.9 0
Apple Completes MobileMe Mail Service Restoration 0
New iPod touch hidden in firmware; Microsoft's pro-Vista videos 0
Rumor Mill Has Apple Slicing and Dicing Intel Chipsets 0
SuperDocker 2.5.2 0
Cinematize 2.0.7 0
Image to PDF 1.0.1 0
Aquamacs Emacs 1.5rc1 0
Apple Lexmark Printer Driver 1.1 0
Mac Shutdown X 1.2.5 0
Firmware Hints at New iPod Touch 0
1Passwd 2.8.1 0