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New server logs have discovered evidence of a device with an iPad Retina Display screen resolution, as well as iPad models running iOS 6, that are being used to browse the Web at Apple's corporate headquarters.

From AppleInsider:
Combing through its server logs, Ars Technica found a total of 346 visits from a device running the unique 2,048 by 1,536 pixel resolution. While a resolution in and of itself is not evidence of a device, that size happens to be exactly double the resolution of the current iPad, with four times as many pixels.

Numerous rumors have pointed toward Apple's third-generation iPad sporting a Retina Display that will be a double-resolution screen, at 2,048 by 1,536. Author Jacqui Cheng noted that a search on the Web found there are "very few devices in current use that have this same resolution."
  Server logs show Apple testing iPads with iOS 6, possible Retina Displays