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On January 24, 1984 the world of home computers was forever changed by the debut of the Apple Macintosh

From TUAW:
On January 24, 1984 the world of home computers was forever changed by the debut of the Apple Macintosh. With a gigantic 9-inch monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and 128 KB of built-in memory, the computer could be yours for the low low price of $2,495 dollars. This year marks the Macintosh's 30th anniversary, and its birthday is getting its own special event.

On January 25, 2014, All Planet Studios, the Computer History Museum, and Macworld/iWorld will be throwing a celebration at the Flint Center in Cupertino, CA. The event will be held in the same 2,300-seat auditorium where Steve Jobs first introduced the Mac, though the space has since been renovated. Of course, you wouldn't go just to see the auditorium, so the organizers have put together some fantastic panels.
  Macintosh 30th anniversary event set for January 25