Apple 10265 Published by

Here a roundup of the latest tips and tricks from OS X Hints

Set custom speed of iPad Picture Frame slideshows
10.7: Get the Lion installer to work behind a proxy server
Easily access photos from iOS devices in Finder
Convert multiple text files to Mail notes
Pause animated GIFs in Safari
Back up blog or FTP directory with AppleScript
Reduce the size of Google Chrome
Build a service to count characters, words and paragraphs
View full track info in iOS Music App
Allow custom URL protocols in Lion Server wiki pages
Remove rubber band scrolling in most apps
Open certain preference panes with quick shortcut
Drag files from Safari 5 Downloads popup
Two AppleScripts for unmounting, mounting local disk volumes
Copy partially played Audiobooks to a playlist
Permanently Unhide Library
View an application's graphical resources in Preview
Change hidden iTunes preferences
Adjust your startup chime volume
Force YouTube links to open in mobile website on iOS
Sync OS X Lion Address Book with Nokia device
View console log in Terminal
Easily toggle the menu bar in full screen mode
Disable elastic (rubber band) scrolling in iTunes
AppleScript to disable rubber band scrolling
Shift-Option modifier for fine brightness control
Possible solution for iChat connection problems over VPN
Spotlight keyword to find webarchive files
Create new e-mail message with attachment with Sparrow
Use keyboard shortcuts to skip and pause Flash videos
Spot upscaled images on retina MacBook Pro
Disable iPhoto sharing via AppleScript
Download all your iDisk content before it's no longer available